Name: Zidane Tribal
Sex: Male
Age: 16
Class: Thief
Weapon: Dagger
Quote: "You don't need a reason to help people."
Description: As a member of the Tantalus Theatre group, who are a bunch of thieves in disguise, he plans to kidnap Garnet on her 16th birthday. He later falls for Princess Garnet when he meets her in the castle.
Skills Weapons
Flee Dagger, Mage Masher, Germinas Boots, Ultima Weapon
Detect Mage Masher, Orichalcon
What's That!? Butterfly Sword
Soul Blade The Ogre
Annoy Gladius, Sargatanas
Sacrifice Exploda, Masamune
Lucky Seven Gladius, The Tower, Rune Tooth, Exploda, Thief Hat
Thievery The Tower, Angel Bless
Abilities Items to aquire them from
Ability Up Brigandine, Green Beret, Lapis Lazuli
Accuracy Lapis Lazuli, Power Wrist
Add Status Bracer, Bone Wrist, Chimera Armlet, Glass Buckle
Alert Germinas Boots, Ninja Gear
Annoy Gladius, Sargatanas
Antibody Glass Armlet, Glass Buckle, Mantra Band, Survival Vest
Auto-Float Feather Boots
Auto-Haste Running Shoes
Auto-Life Rebirth Ring
Auto-Potion Demon's Vest, Gold Choker, Mythril Vest, Running Shoes
Auto-Reflect Reflect Ring
Auto-Regen Brave Suit
Bandit N-Kai Armlet, Mythril Dagger
Bird Killer Adaman Vest, Yellow Scarf
Body Temp Diamond, Jade Armlet, Fairy Earrings, Madain's Ring
Bright Eyes Feather Hat, Ritual Hat
Bug Killer Mythril Armlet
Clear Headed Circlet, Dark Gear, Green Armlet, Magician Shoes
Counter Avenger, Anklet, Cat's Claws, Dragon's Claws, Duel Claws
Detect Mage Masher, Orichalcon
Devil Killer Chain Plate, Demon's Vest
Distract Diamond, Judo Uniform, Reflect Ring
Eye 4 Eye Flash Hat, Ninja Gear
Flee Dagger, Mage Masher, Germinas Boots, Ultima Weapon
Flee-Gil Desert Boots, Gold Choker, Wrist
Gamble Defense Adaman Hat, Twist Headband, Power Vest
High Tide Dark Hat, Gaia Gear, Jade Armlet, Sapphire
Insomniac Bandana, Holy Miter, Magician Cloak, Gaia Gear, Coral Ring
Jelly Bronze Vest, Circlet, Dragon Wrist, Dark Gear, Dark Hat
Level Up Fairy Earrings, Rosetta Ring
Locomotion Anklet, Demon's Vest, Golden Skullcap, Ninja Gear
Long Reach Protect Ring
Lucky Seven Gladius, The Tower, Rune Tooth, Exploda, Thief Hat
Man Eater Bandana, Coral Ring, Coronet
Master Thief Thief Gloves
MP Attack Battle Belts, Power Belt, Red Hat
Mug Chimera Armlet, Survival Vest, Thief Hat
Protect Girls Butterfly Sword, Leather Shirt
Restore HP Brave Suit, Promist Ring
Sacrifice Exploda, Masamune
Soul Blade The Ogre
Steal Gil Glass Armlet, Yellow Scarf
Stone Killer Adaman Vest, Power Vest
Thievery The Tower, Angel Bless
Undead Killer Headgear, N-Kai Armlet, Ritual Hat
What's That!? Butterfly Sword

Name: Vivi Ornitier
Sex: Male
Age: 9
Class: Mage
Weapon: Mage Staff
Quote: "How do you prove that you exist? Maybe we don't exist..."
Description: Vivi, at the age of 9 is a black mage who you meet in Alexandos. Vivi runs into Zidane at Garnet's play and is asked to join his group. In time Vivi can become an extremely powerful character. He starts off with the fire magic spell and will learn others.
Black Magic Items Used to Aquire Magic
Fire Mage Staff, Leather Hat
Fira Flame Staff, Mage's Hat, Topaz
Firaga Octagon Rod
Sleep Flame Staff
Blizzard Leather Wrist
Blizzara Ice Staff, Opal
Blizzaga Octagon Rod
Slow Ice Staff, Magus Hat
Thunder Glass Buckle, Silk Shirt
Thundara Lightning Staff, Peridot
Thundaga Octagon Rod
Stop Oak Staff
Poison Lightning Staff
Bio Oak Staff
Osmose Gaia Gear, High Mage Staff
Drain Oak Staff
Demi Black Belt, Amethyst, Cypress Pile
Comet Cypress Pile
Death Black Hood
Break Cypress Pile
Water N-Kai Armlet
Meteor High Mage Staff
Flare Black Robe
Doomsday Mage of Zeus

Name: Adelbert Steiner
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Class: Knight
Weapon: Sword
Quote: "Having sworn fealty, must I spend my life in servitude?"
Description: Soon
Sword Arts Items Used to Aquire Magic
Armor Break Mythril Sword
Charge! Aegis Gloves, Coral Sword
Climhazzard Excalibur, Excalibur 2
Darkside Blood Sword
Iai Strike Rune Blade
Magic Break Flame Saber
Mental Break Gold Helm, Ice Brand
Minus Strike Excalibur 2, Rubber Helm, Iron Sword
Power Strike Diamond Sword
Shock Ragnarok
Stock Break Excalibur 2, Ultima Sword
Thunder Slash Defender, Ragnarok
Sword Magic Character Requred in battle to use
Bio Vivi
Blizzara Vivi
Blizzard Vivi
Blizzarga Vivi
Doomsday Vivi
Fira Vivi
Firaga Vivi
Fire Vivi
Flare Vivi
Thundara Vivi
Thunder Vivi
Water Vivi

Name: Garnet Til Alexandros 17th
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Class: Summoner
Weapon: Water Blade
Description: Garnet is Queen Brahne's daughter, which makes her the princess. A play is put on for her 16th birthday entitled "I want to be your canary." When she becomes kidnapped she coins the nickname Dagger.
Summons Gemstone Needed for Summon
Ark Pumice
Atomos Amethyst
Bahamut Garnet
Ifrit Topaz
Leviathan Aquamarine
Odin Dark Matter
Ramuh Peridot
Shiva Opal
White Magic Item needed to Learn Magic
Berserk Magic Racket
Blind Magician Shoes, Multina Racket
Confuse Asura's Rod, Lamia's Tiara
Cura Barette, Healing Rod
Curaga Wizard Robe, Whale Whisker
Cure Rod, Silk Shirt, Magic Racket
Float Feather Boots, Stardust Rod
Life Cachusha, Rebirth Ring, Whale Whisker, Healing Rod
Mini Asura's Rod, Feather Boots, Magic Racket
Panacea Rod, Air Racket
Protect Desert Boots, Mythril Rod, Steepled Hat
Reflect Ruby, Reflect Ring, Stardust Rod, Mythril Racket
Scan Air Racket, Desert Boots
Shell Cotton Robe, Gold Choker, Moonstone, Mythril Rod
Silence Asura's Rod, Magic Armlet, Mythril Rod, Priest's Racket
Stona Multina Racket

Name: Quina Quen
Sex: ?
Age: ?
Class: Chef
Weapon: Fork
Quote: "I do what I want! You a have a problem!?"
Blue Magic Attacks Eat these monsters to learn the Blue Magic
1000 Needles Cactuar
Angel's Snack Ephitaph, Behemoth, Ironite
Aqua Breath Axolotl, Vepal, Clipper
Auto-Life Reflect Ring
Bad Breath Malboro, Worm Hydra, Anemone
Doom Vetern, Ash
Earth Shake Adamantoise, Earth Guardian, Shell Dragon
Frog Drop Gigan Toad
Frost Chimera, Wraith, Kraken
Goblin Punch Goblin, Goblin Mage
Limit Glove Axe Break, Mu, Blazer Beetle, Jabberwock
Lv Defense-Less Sand Scorpion, Carve Spider, Grand Dragon
Lv4 Holy Amdusias, Feather Circle
Lv5 Death Lich, Stroper, Dracozombie
Magic Hammer Ring Leader, Magic Vice
Matra Magic Trick Sparrow, Ogre, Zagnohl, Land Worm
Mighty Guard Gargoyle, Serpion, Gigan Octopus
Mustard Bomb Bomb, Wraith, Maliris, Red Vepal
Night Nymph, Abomination, Grimlock, Seeker Bat
Pumpkin Head Hedgehog Pie, Ladybug, Yeti, Basilisk, Bandersnatch
Roulette Zombie, Ghost
Twister Adadon, Tiamat, Red Dragon
Vanish Hornet, Gnoll, Troll, Vice
White Wind Griffin, Zuu, Garuda

Name: Freya Crescent
Sex: Female
Age: 33
Class: Dragoon Knight
Weapon: Lance/Spear
Quote: "To be forgotten is worse than death."
Dargon Skills Items Needed to Learn Skills
Lancer Partisan, Coral Ring, Dragon Wrist
Reis's Wind Angel Earrings, Holy Lance, Gold Helm, Mythril Spear
Dragon Breath Dragon's Hair
White Draw Emerald, Kain's Lance, Ice Lance
Luna Trident
Six Dragons Heavy Lance
Cherry Blossom Kain's Lance, Obelisk
Dragon Crest Holy Lance, Kain's Lance

Name: Eiko Carol
Sex: Female
Age: 6
Class: White Summoner
Weapon: Flute
Quote: "I don't wanna be alone anymore..."
Summons Items Equiped to learn Summons
Carbuncle Emerald, Moonstone, Diamond
Fenrir Maiden Prayer
Phoenix N/A
Madeen Ribbon
White Magic Item needed to Learn Magic
Cure Magic Racket, Silk Shirt
Cura Golem's Flute, Barette
Curaga Angel Flute, Hamelin
Regen Fairy Flute, Fairy Earrings
Life Rebirth Ring, Fairy Flute
Full-Life N/A
Panacea Air Racket
Stona Lamia's Flute, Multina Racket
Ensuna Angel Flute, Rubber Suit, Fairy Flute
Shell Multina Racket, Mythril Racket, Gold Choker, Moonstone
Protect Mythril Racket, Desert Boots, Steepled Hatt
Haste Emerald, Fairy Flute, Running Shoes
Silence Lamia's Flute, Magic Armlet, Priest's Racket
Mini Feather Boots, Lamia's Flute
Reflect Ruby, Reflect Ring, Mythril Racket
Float Feather Boots, Lamia's Flute
Dispel Tiger Racket, Siren's Flute
Might Hamelin, Priest's Racket
Jewel Hamelin
Holy Angel Flute, White Robe

Name: Amarant Coral
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Class: Ninja
Weapon: Knuckle
Quote: "The only dependable thing about the future is uncertainty."
Flair Attacks Items Needed to Learn Attack
Aura Duel Claws, Scissor Fangs
Chakra Cat's Claws, Leather Plate
Countdown Kaiser Knuckles
Curse Kaiser Knuckles, Mythril Claws
Demi Shock Avenger, Rune Claws
No Mercy Dragon's Claws, Duel Claws
Revive Rebirth Ring, Rune Claws, Tiger Fangs
Spare Change Poison Knuckles, Rune Claws