World Map Controls:
L Button: Display list of laws
R Button: Display info on selected region
+Control Pad: Move the cursor (Hold down the B button to move faster)
A Button: Select Command
B Button: Cancel Command Cancel clan symbol move
Start: Open system menu
Select: Display command help
Entering Battle Controls:
L Button: Field View Mode *Show the battlefield and check enemy units status
R Button: Display player unit status details *Change equipment and abilities
+Control Pad: Switch between character units
A Button: Select Command
B Button: Cancel Command
Start: Begin battle
Select: Display all laws in effect
Battle Controls:
L Button: Use shortcuts defined under options
R Button: Not used
+Control Pad: Move cursor
A Button: Select Command Display unit commands and status Move cursor to active unit
B Button: Cancel Command Show unit's move range
Start: Open system menu
Select: Simple status switch Display command help